Saturday, October 1, 2011

again its been awhile

i seem to suck at keeping up blogs.. my summer was awesomeeeee tho!!! my bf (yes i have onenwo) and i had our two month anniv yesterdayyyy. :] :] :] so im rly excited.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

freaking perfect

Dont you ever ever feel less than perfect.
He. Is. Beautiful.
Everythging about this boy is perfect.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hold me Closer, tiny dancer

Ive been watching American Idol all season now for the first time. I know, un-american of me to have not watched it before now. Whatever anyway, I just started listening to elton John, thanks to last week's theme. My favoriteeee song is definiatly Tiny Dancer... it just reminds me of myself, somehow. "Blue jean babyy"... it's such a great song.
Benny and the Jets is a good one too; persunally I think Haley did a better job than Elton did, hahaa. Shes my favorite on the show so far... James is good but he's just a straight Adam Lambert, so not that new... but i dont know.
just a little update from my lifeee.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Whiling awayy

It's been a while. A long while. I kinda forgot about this blog... sacriligious. Oh well. I guess nothing's really changed, I'm still messed up. Enjoying my messed-up-ness, though. I wasn't before. So whatever, I see why I stopped "blogging". Three posts? Doesn't even count as blogging. Haha.
"An absent author does not a popular blog make"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

chubby the teddie

Wow its been a while i guess. Do you know I love winter? I Do. Its like the most awesomenessly incredible season eve.r. I can't ever think of anthing to write. How do you do it Noelle and Bekka? lol... (:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

rome and others

rome. I want to go to rome.. the city of love is venice, right? well i want to go to Rome. love, bah humbug. rome is power, rome is the center of like everthing that ever WAS. well, there's rome, and then there's athens... both of them i've been in love with since i was like 9. so yeah. here's my little entry for the week.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


samuel clemens was so cool. how he like, used his pen name (mark twain) and everything... I think that's so awesome. i should come up with a pen name. Ill think on it... ideas anyone? hehe... out of my many follwers, can just ONE of you come up wiht something? ;)